Multiple Choice Quiz on Enzymes in Recombinant DNA Technology

Recombinant DNA technology is the sum of techniques used in genetic engineering that involves the identification, isolation and insertion of gene of interest into a vector such as a plasmid or bacteriophage to form a recombinant DNA molecule and production of large quantities of that gene fragment or product encoded by that gene. This practice test will help you to assess your knowledge about the enzymes and its uses in rDNA technology
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1. Which of the following enzyme is suitable for dephosphorylation at 5’ end of a DNA strand?
Methyl transferase
Alkaline phosphatase
Polynunucleotide kinase
Terminal nucleotydyl ransferase
2. Which of the following enzyme would you select for protecting a DNA strand from cleavage by restriction enzymes of the host bacterium?
Restriction endonuclease
Restriction exonuclease
Methyl transferase
Polynunucleotide kinase
3. If you want to radiolabel a DNA strand using P32, which of the following is the most suited enzyme for that purpose?
DNA polymerase
Reverse transcriptase
Polynucleotide kinase
Terminal nucleotydyl transferase
4. Which of the following polymerase enzyme would you select for cDNA synthesis?
DNA polymerase
Taq polymerase
Reverse transcriptase
Vent polymerase
5. If you have two DNA fragments A and B, both with blunt ends, In order to make it sticky which enzyme would you select for homopolymer tailing?
DNA polymerase
Terminal nucleotydyl ransferase
Alkaline phosphatase
Reverse transcriptase
6. Once the two fragments are joined, the final sealing phosphodiester bond is formed by
7. Which of the following enzyme would you select for cutting a DNA strand with recognition sequence ‘GAATTC’?
T4 ligase
Taq polymerase
Eco R1
Alu I
8. Which of the following enzyme groups would you select for cDNA synthesis?
Reverse transcriptase, ribonuclease H and DNA polymerase
DNA polymerase, reverse transcriptase and methyl transferase
DNA polymerase, reverse transcriptase and alkaline phosphatase
Ribonuclease H, reverse transcriptase and methyl transferase
9. Taq polymerase require
A free end for adding complementary nucleotides
A free 3-OH end for adding complementary nucleotides
A free 5-P end for adding complementary nucleotides
Adds complementary nucleotides to both 3’ OH end and 5’P end
10. Match enzyme with its activity 1. Adds phosphate group 2. Forms phosphodiester bond c) Removes phosphate group d) Adds complementary nucleotides
1. Terminal nucleotydyl transferase 2. Ligase 3. Alkaline phosphatase 4. DNA polymerase
1. Polynucleotide kinase 2. Ligase 3. Alkaline phosphatase 4. DNA polymerase
1. Ligase 2. DNA polymerase 3. Polynucleotide kinase 4. Reverse transcriptase
1. Ligase 2. Polynucleotide kinase 3. Restriction enzymes 4. DNA polymerase
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